Things Dogs Can’t Eat Off Your Plate At Thanksgiving

Things Dogs Can’t Eat Off Your Plate At Thanksgiving

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Things Dogs Can’t Eat Off Your Plate At Thanksgiving

We occasionally treat our furry friends with food from our meals, but do you know what dogs can’t eat off your plate at Thanksgiving? Some foods are good for them, in moderation, but some Turkey-day foods are dangerous to dogs. Be mindful of how much you’re giving your pet, too. Even if it’s healthy for them, too much can cause stomach issues.


Turkey Skin and Bones

Turkey’s skin is high in fat, and the butter, oil, and other seasonings used to cook the turkey are dangerous to your dog. It’s one of the things your dog can’t eat off your Thanksgiving plate. Overdoing it with fat in a dog’s diet can cause pancreatitis, and the seasonings irritate pets’ stomachs. Cooked or uncooked bones are a big no-no. They are small and brittle and could cause mouth and tongue injury, choking, or perforation of the intestines. Give white meat as a treat after picking through to ensure no bones, skin, or seasoning are present.



What would a Thanksgiving spread without a chocolate dessert be? Yummy for people and pets; however, food with chocolate is highly toxic to dogs, especially the darker varieties, and can cause nausea, diarrhea, abnormal heart rate, seizure, muscle tremors, and other undesirable symptoms. In rare cases, death can occur. Don’t give in to the puppy dog’s eyes! Substitute this treat with something suitable like green beans or bits of apple.


Garlic and Onions

If you cook any of your dishes with garlic or onion, do not feed these foods to your dogs. Food prepared with spices and seasoned with garlic and onions cannot be fed to your dog. They are highly toxic and can cause decreased appetite, weakness, lethargy, and fainting. Keep your dog out of the kitchen during preparation, and clean up immediately to ensure your pup won’t find a stray garlic clove or slice of onion on the floor.


Cranberry Sauce

Cranberries are known for their potential benefits in promoting urinary tract health for people and pets. But refrain from feeding your dog cranberry sauce from your Thanksgiving plate. Some cranberry sauces may contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs. It can cause a sudden insulin release, which can lead to a dangerous drop in blood sugar levels and potential liver damage. 

Pet owners and guests naturally want to share our Thanksgiving dinner with furry friends, so swap out those turkey bones for something like apples or even a holiday-themed dog treat. Happy Thanksgiving!

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