POOP 911 gives pet owners the pooper scooper service they need for their lawns in Lark, Utah. We go above and beyond, so whatever you think you might get from our visits, expect more! You will never see a brown mound laying around outside again thanks to our no longer-term commitment policy! You can have us over as frequently, or non-frequently as you need. Choose a recurring service plan once a week or bi-weekly to receive the first service FREE!
POOP 911 offers pet owners a great pooper scooper service in Lark, Utah with a single phone call, and our price starts out at only $11.95!
POOP 911 is right for everyone because our pooper scooper service caters to many of Lark, Utah’s needs! Are you going somewhere that bringing your dog would be frowned upon, like the movies? Make sure he’s still getting his daily walk in by asking us for help! We get along great with dogs and have years of experience. Is that poop scent scarring your date away? We have natural sprays to make your yard smell wonderful! Set up your ideal recurring service plan once a week or even monthly to enjoy the free first service!
POOP 911 brings everything you need as a pooper scooper service company to Lark, Utah outdoor spaces, so check out the following:
POOP 911 can be your go-to outdoor cleaning service.
POOP 911 has been around the pooper scooper service business in Lark, Utah since 2005. You can ask anyone, and they’ll all say that for getting rid of pet waste, POOP 911 is the go-to place!
Contact us at 1-877-POOP-911 and see what it means to have a 100% clean lawn!